"The Systemic Impact Of Clubhouse: Examining The Effects Of Clubhouse Member Participa . . ." by Heather Renee Hess

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Access Type

WSU Access

Date of Award

January 2017

Degree Type


Degree Name



Educational Psychology

First Advisor

Francesca Pernice


The current study was the first in the literature to attempt to quantitatively examine the influence of the psychosocial clubhouse on family members and significant others of clubhouse members. This study was a continuation of qualitative work by Pernice-duca et al. (2015) in which findings revealed that having a loved one with a serious mental illness attend a clubhouse was related to lower rates of caregiver burden and distress, and higher levels of family cohesion and hope. Participants included 20 nominated family members or significant others of clubhouse members from two mid-western states and one west coast state. Findings from this study revealed significant support that those family members or significant others whose loved one actively attended a clubhouse (i.e., at least three times a week for a minimum of six months) experienced lower levels of burden and distress and greater family cohesion.

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