"The Relationship Between The Behaviors Of Students With An Emotional Impairment And T . . ." by Theresa Stephanie Walker

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award

January 2016

Degree Type


Degree Name



Special Education

First Advisor

Marshall F. Zumberg


The poor academic and post-secondary outcomes for students with EI have been well documented for decades. Few studies exist, however, that explore where the breakdown in academics begins. Instead of compiling data that adds to this knowledge base, this study explored the academic status of students through multiple data sources. The goal of this was to determine at which level, early elementary, late elementary, middle school, or high school, a breakdown in academics can be detected and at which level interventions should occur. It also attempted to answer the question as to whether or not special education services, specifically a BIP, do indeed achieve their goals and increase academic achievement. One hundred thirteen students eligible for special educations services under the emotionally impaired category comprised the sample to research the first two questions and eight students, also eligible under the emotionally impaired category, made up the sample for the last question. Statistical analyses for the first two questions showed statistically significant differences for grades and achievement scores between the early elementary (k-2) and high school (9-12) clusters and the late elementary (3-5) and high school (9-12) clusters. Analysis of the means for each data point shows that interventions should occur during the late elementary grade cluster. Analysis of the data points for question three showed no statistically significant differences in pre-BIP to pot-BIP implementation grades. These results indicate that the prevailing theory about the interaction between academic achievement and interfering behaviors should be revised. A new theory should include the effect academics and interfering behaviors have on one another through a mediating factor, academic interventions.
