Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Educational Administration

First Advisor

Dr. Roger DeMont


The purpose of this study was to examine and explore the role of leadership styles of elementary building principals and the climate of the school on the presence, support, and implementation of a conflict resolution programs in Oakland County, Michigan. This study examined leadership styles of elementary principals and the relationship it had on attitudes and support of a conflict resolution program on schools' overall climate. Implementing a conflict resolution program and training students and staff in conflict resolution skills can help schools develop a safe and orderly climate for students. The procedures for this study included a sample of 16 elementary principals and 276 K - 6 teachers. Likert's (1983) Profile of a School (POS), Profile of Perceptions Toward Conflict Resolution (PPTCR), and a short demographic survey were used to collect data needed to answer the four research questions. The research suggested that elementary school principals and teachers who held positive perceptions about their school environment were positive about outcomes of conflict resolution programs. Principals and teachers did not differ significantly on the positive implications of conflict resolution programs and their attitudes were supportive of conflict resolution programs in their school. The research showed that leadership style was the strongest predictor of support for conflict resolution programs. Principals' whose leadership style were perceived to be more collaborative and supportive tended to be more effective in implementing successful conflict resolution programs in their buildings. This resulted in the creation of a positive climate that was perceived to be more collaborative and supportive.
