"A study of variables essential for success in an information management post-secondar . . ." by Cheryl Ann Plettenberg

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Dr. Leonard Kaplan


This dissertation investigated, evaluated and identified characteristics essential for success in the post-secondary Health Information Technology curriculum, passing the National Certification Examination, and competency for entrance into the Health Information Management profession. The hypothesis was formulated from previous research indicating that the independent variable pre-admission ASSET scores and grade point averages of the general science core courses, the Health Information core courses, and the cumulative GPA at graduation would demonstrate a direct correlation to success on the dependent variable the National Certification Examination. This dissertation was undertaken to identify which courses are best in determining success. If identified, these courses would be a significant step forward in developing a measuring tool, and would be invaluable in decreasing the attrition rate. The population consisted of 237 MRT students from Baker College in Michigan. A multiple regression statistical analysis (SPSS) was used to test the contribution of each variable in the relationship to the dependent variable. The research hypotheses were stated in the null at the significance level equal to or less than P=.05. The five hypotheses were all accepted with the suggestion that the following curriculum subjects be recommended as indicators for success on the National Certification Examination. These courses were the entry ASSET writing scores, Statistics, Coding, and QA. The cumulative stepwise multiple regression demonstrated a 43% variability. The future testing of the reliability of this multiple regression is a follow-up analysis. If this information proves correct, then school programs and the Association would have one handle by which to evaluate prospectively, concurrently, and retrospectively which students are most likely candidates for the MR T programs, successful on the National Certification Examination, and entry-level Accredited Record Technicians (ART).
