Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Publications | C.S. Mott Center for Human Growth and Development | Wayne State University


Submissions from 2016


High-throughput allele-specific expression across 250 environmental conditions, Gregory A. Moyerbrailean, Allison L. Richards, Daniel Kurtz, Cynthia A. Kalita, Gordon O. Davis, Chris T. Harvey, Adnan Alazizi, Donovan Watza, Yoram Sorokin, Nancy J. Hauff, Xiang Zhou, Xiaoquan Wen, Roger Pique-Regi, and Francesca Luca


Secondary Postpartum Hemorrhage due to Spontaneous Uterine Artery Rupture after Normal Vaginal Delivery Managed by Selective Arterial Embolization, Mili Thakur, Henry O. Adekola, Radwan Asaad, and Bernard Gonik


Direct reprogramming to multipotent trophoblast stem cells, and is pluripotency needed for regenerative medicine either?, Yu Yang, Graham C. Parker, Elizabeth E. Puscheck, and Daniel A. Rappolee

Submissions from 2015


Metformin prevents aggressive ovarian cancer growth driven by high-energy diet: similarity with calorie restriction, Zaid Al-Wahab, Ismail Mert, Calvin Tebbe, Jasdeep Chhina, Miriana Hijaz, Robert T. Morris, Rouba Ali-Fehmi, Shailendra Giri, Adnan Munkarah, and Ramandeep Rattan

Submissions from 2014


Hypoxic stress induces, but cannot sustain trophoblast stem cell differentiation to labyrinthine placenta due to mitochondrial insufficiency, Yufen Xie, Sichang Zhou, Zhongliang Jiang, Jing Dai, Elizabeth E. Puscheck, Icksoo Lee, Graham Parker, Maik Hüttemann, and Daniel A. Rappolee

Submissions from 2013


Intronic Non-CG DNA hydroxymethylation and alternative mRNA splicing in honey bees, Pablo Cingolani, Xiaoyi Cao, Radhika S. Khetani, Chieh-Chun Chen, Melissa Coon, Alya'a Sammak, Aliccia Bollig-Fischer, Susan Land, Yun Huang, Matthew E. Hudson, Mark D. Garfinkel, Sheng Zhong, Gene E. Robinson, and Douglas M. Ruden


Maternal circulating leukocytes display early chemotactic responsiveness during late gestation, Nardhy Gomez-Lopez, Satomi Tanaka, Zoya Zaeem, Gerlinde A. Metz, and David M. Olson

Submissions from 2012


Does cerclage improve neonatal outcomes in a molar pregnancy and a coexistent fetus? a case report, Eduardo Aguin, Victor Aguin, Ligia Cisneros, Tina Aguin, Cosmas Van de ven, and Ray Bahado-Singh

Submissions from 2011


Fetal ERAP2 variation is associated with preeclampsia in African Americans in a case-control study, Lori D. Hill, DaShaunda D. Hilliard, Timothy P. York, Sindhu Srinivas, Juan P. Kusanovic, Ricardo Gomez, Michal A. Elovitz, Roberto Romero, and Jerome F. Strauss III


Analysis of positional candidate genes in the AAA1 susceptibility locus for abdominal aortic aneurysms on chromosome 19, John H. Lillvis, Yoshiki Kyo, Gerard Tromp, Guy M. Lenk, Ming Li, Qing Lu, Robert P. Igo Jr, Natzi Sakalihasan, Robert E. Ferrell, Charles M. Schworer, Zoran Gatalica, Susan Land, and Helena Kuivaniemi

Submissions from 2010


Sulforaphane induces cell cycle arrest by protecting RB-E2F-1 complex in epithelial ovarian cancer cells, Christopher S. Bryant, Sanjeev Kumar, Sreedhar Chamala, Jay Shah, Jagannath Pal, Mahdi Haider, Shelly Seward, Aamer M. Qazi, Robert Morris, Assaad Semaan, Masood A. Shammas, Christopher Steffes, Ravindra B. Potti, Madhu Prasad, Donald W. Weaver, and Ramesh B. Batchu


Nuclear factor-kappa B localization and function within intrauterine tissues from term and preterm labor and cultured fetal membranes, Sonali Vora, Asad Abbas, Chong J. Kim, Taryn LS Summerfield, Juan P. Kusanovic, Jay D. Iams, Roberto Romero, Douglas A. Kniss, and William E. Ackerman IV

Submissions from 2009


Ritonavir blocks AKT signaling, activates apoptosis and inhibits migration and invasion in ovarian cancer cells, Sanjeev Kumar, Christopher S. Bryant, Sreedhar Chamala, Aamer Qazi, Shelly Seward, Jagannath Pal, Christopher P. Steffes, Donald W. Weaver, Robert Morris, John M. Malone, Masood A. Shammas, Madhu Prasad, and Ramesh B. Batchu

Submissions from 2008


Sensitization of ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin by genistein: the role of NF-kappaB, Leigh A. Solomon, Shadan Ali, Sanjeev Banerjee, Adnan R. Munkarah, Robert T. Morris, and Fazlul H. Sarkar


Molecular evolution of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A gene in primates, Monica Uddin, Juan C. Opazo, Derek E. Wildman, Chet C. Sherwood, Patrick R. Hof, Morris Goodman, and Lawrence I. Grossman

Submissions from 2007


Using hyperosmolar stress to measure biologic and stress-activated protein kinase responses in preimplantation embryos, Yufen Xie, W Zhong, Y Wang, A Trostinskaia, F Wang, Elizabeth E. Puscheck, and D. A. Rappolee

Submissions from 2006


Identification of novel functional sequence variants in the gene for peptidase inhibitor 3, Mahboob A. Chowdhury, Helena Kuivaniemi, Roberto Romero, Samuel Edwin, Tinnakorn Chaiworapongsa, and Gerard Tromp


K-SPMM: a database of murine spermatogenic promoters modules & motifs, Yi Lu, Adrian E. Platts, G Charles Ostermeier, and Stephen A. Krawetz


Evidence for association between the HLA-DQA locus and abdominal aortic aneurysms in the Belgian population: a case control study, Toru Ogata, Lucie Gregoire, Katrina AB Goddard, Magdalena Skunca, Gerard Tromp, Wayne D. Lancaster, Antonio R. Parrado, Qing Lu, Hidenori Shibamura, Natzi Sakalihasan, Raymond Limet, Gerald L. MacKean, Claudette Arthur, Taijiro Sueda, and Helena Kuivaniemi


Effects of SAPK/JNK inhibitors on preimplantation mouse embryo development are influenced greatly by the amount of stress induced by the media, Yufen Xie, E. E. Puscheck, and D. A. Rappolee

Submissions from 2005


The role of aromatase inhibitors in ameliorating deleterious effects of ovarian stimulation on outcome of infertility treatment, Mohamed FM Mitwally, Robert F. Casper, and Michael P. Diamond


Expression pattern and regulation of genes differ between fibroblasts of adhesion and normal human peritoneum, Ujjwal K. Rout, Ghassan M. Saed, and Michael P. Diamond

Submissions from 2004


Serine-threonine kinases and transcription factors active in signal transduction are detected at high levels of phosphorylation during mitosis in preimplantation embryos and trophoblast stem cells, Jian Liu, Elizabeth E. Puscheck, Fangfei Wang, Anna Trostinskaia, Dusan Barisic, Gordon Maniere, Dana Wygle, W Zhong, Edmond HHM Rings, and Daniel A. Rappolee


Human chorionic gonadotropin administration is associated with high pregnancy rates during ovarian stimulation and timed intercourse or intrauterine insemination, Mohamed F. Mitwally, Sonya Abdel-Razeq, and Robert F. Casper

Submissions from 1996


Basement Membrane and Repair of Injury to Peripheral Nerve: Defining a Potential Role for Macrophages, Matrix Metalloproteinases, and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-1, Monique La Fleur, Johnnie L. Underwood, Daniel A. Rappolee, and Zena Werb


Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Its Receptor Are Expressed in Cardiac Myocytes During Early Cardiogenesis, Daniel A. Rappolee, Anand Iyer, and Yogesh Patel

Submissions from 1994


Expression and function of FGF-4 in peri-implantation development in mouse embryos, Daniel A. Rappolee, Claudio Basilico, Yogesh Patel, and Zena Werb

Submissions from 1992


Insulin-like growth factor II acts through an endogenous growth pathway regulated by imprinting in early mouse embryos, Daniel A. Rappolee, Karin S. Sturm, Ole Behrendtsen, Gilbert A. Schultz, Roger A. Pedersen, and Zena Werb

Submissions from 1990


Two alkaline phosphatase genes are expressed during early development in the mouse embryo, Ann C. Hahnel, Daniel A. Rappolee, Jose Luis Millan, Thomas Manes, Carol A. Ziomek, Nicoleta G. Theodosiou, Zena Werb, Roger A. Pedersen, and Gilbert A. Schultz


Platelet a-Granule Fibrinogen, Albumin, and Immunoglobulin G Are Not Synthesized by Rat and Mouse Megakaryocytes, Prem Handagama, Daniel A. Rappolee, Zena Werb, Jack Levin, and Dorothy F. Bainton

Submissions from 1989


Genes for extracellular matrix-degrading metalloproteinases and their inhibitor, TIMP, are expressed during early mammalian development, C. A. Brenner, R. R. Adler, D. A. Rappolee, R. A. Pedersen, and Z Werb

Submissions from 1988


Developmental Expression of PDGF, TGF-a, and TGF-j Genes in Preimplantation Mouse Embryos, Daniel A. Rappolee, Carol A. Brenner, Richard Schultz, David Mark, and Zena Werb