"Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis with Hemoptysis: A Case Report and Literature Revi . . ." by Haidong Huang, Chen Li et al.

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We present a case of 39-year-old male with the symptoms of fever, cough, chest pain and bloody phlegm, whose chest CT showed multiple subpleural nodules and inflammatory infiltration. Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery ( VATS ) for right subplural nodule was performed and confirmed the diagnosis of necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis. Prednisolone was administered and the symptoms were under control untill the occurrence of intermittent hemoptysis after 10 months. Chest CT and bronchoscope revealed the right lower lobe nodule with intraluminal necrotic tissue in the right lower lobe posterior basal segment respectively. Fatal hemoptysis happened during endobronchial biopsy by flexible bronchoscope forcep. Based on this case, we reviewed the relevant literature and discussed the clinical features, pathological changes and prognosis of the disease.


Diagnosis | Pulmonology


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