"Reviews "



The Castle of Truth and Other Revolutionary Tales. (Hermynia Zur Mühlen, ed. and Trans. by Jack Zipes). Reviewed by Anna Kérchy

Clever Maids, Fearless Jacks, and a Cat: Fairy Tales from a Living Oral Tradition. (eds. Anita Best, Martin Lovelace, and Pauline Greenhill). Reviewed by Millie Tullis

The Complete Folktales of A. N. Afanas’ev: Volume III. (eds. Jack V. Haney and Sibelan Forrester). Reviewed by Millie Tullis

Honey on the Page: A Treasury of Yiddish Children’s Literature. (ed. and Trans. Miriam Udel). Reviewed by Veronica Schanoes

Japanese Legends and Folklore: Samurai Tales, Ghost Stories, Legends, Fairy Tales, Myths and Historical Accounts. (A. B. Mitford. With a new foreword by Michael Dylan Foster). Reviewed by Mayako Murai

Hans Christian Andersen in Russia. (eds. Mads Sohl Jessen, Marina Balina, Ben Hellman, and Johannes nørregaard Frandsen). Reviewed by Kate Christine Moore Koppy

Re-Orienting the Fairy Tale: Contemporary Adaptations across Cultures. (eds. Mayako Murai and Luciana Cardi). Reviewed by Jade Lum

Retelling Cinderella: Cultural and Creative Transformations. (eds. nicola Darwood and Alexis Weedon). Reviewed by Hannah Helm

The Thousand and One Nights and Twentieth-Century Fiction: Intertextual Readings. (Richard Van Leeuwen). Reviewed by Dominique Jullien

Cinderella in Spain: Variations of the Story as Socio-Ethical Texts. (Maia Fernández-Lamarque). Reviewed by Abigail Fine

The Ever After Life of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales. (Martha Ann Brueggeman). Reviewed by John E. Priegnitz II

Fairy Tales in Contemporary American Culture: How We Hate to Love Them. (Kate Christine Moore Koppy). Reviewed by Luca Sarti

Mapping Fairy-Tale Space: Pastiche and Metafiction in Borderless Tales. (Christy Williams). Reviewed by Lucy Fraser

Tale, Performance, and Culture in EFL Storytelling with Young Learners: Stories Meant to Be Told. (Licia Masoni). Reviewed by Jean Kirschenmann

Unruly Audience: Folk Interventions in Popular Media. (Greg Kelley). Reviewed by Amanda Firestone
