Submitting Reviews | Marvels & Tales | WSU Press | Wayne State University

Guidelines for the Submission of Reviews

Books and other media for review should be sent to Wayne State University Press. All inquiries regarding reviews should be sent by email to the Review Editors.

Jeana Jorgensen
Review Editor


Julie Koehler
Review Editor


Wayne State University Press
Attn: Journals Manager
Leonard N. Simons Building
4809 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201


We are interested in reviewing a broad range of folktale and fairy-tale materials within an international scope.

In most cases, the review editors contact potential reviewers with a request; however, e-mail inquiries from scholars with a fairy-tale interest are welcome, as are suggestions for items that should be reviewed in Marvels & Tales.

Reviews are usually due two months after the reviewer has received the book.

The reviewer will receive a copy of the item to review and, when it is published, a copy of the issue in which the review appears.


Each review of 1,000 words should be double-spaced throughout.

Reviews will be in English, regardless of the language of the item reviewed. Occasionally, the review editors will accept reviews in German and French.

Please submit the review to the review editors as an electronic attachment, preferably using Word.

Reviewers should include a Contributor’s Note—a brief biographical statement of no more than 50 words—for the Contributors page, and a mailing address.


Head your review with the bibliographical citation, following this format:

Title. By [Edited by; Translated by, etc.] Name. Series name number [if applicable]. Place: Publisher, Date. Page numbers.

For media other than books, consult the MLA Handbook (8th edition).



Briar Rose. By Robert Coover. New York: Grove Press, 1996. 86 pp.

Contes tendres, contes cruels du Sahel nigérien. Edited and translated by Geneviève Calame-Griaule. Collection “Le langage des contes.” Paris: Gallimard, 2002. 293 pp.

The Types of International Folktales: A Classification and Bibliography. Based on the System of Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson. By Hans-Jörg Uther. FF Communications 284-86. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 2004. Three volumes: 619 pp., 536 pp., 285 pp.

Secrets beyond the Door: The Story of Bluebeard and His Wives. By Maria Tatar. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004. 247 pp.


Willa: An American Snow White. Directed by Tom Davenport. Performed by Becky Stark, Caitlin O'Connell, and Mark Jaster. Tom and Mimi Davenport, Davenport Films. 1997. Videocassette.

Pan’s Labyrinth/ El Laberinto del Fauno. Written and directed by Guillermo del Toro. Performed by Ivana Baquero, Sergi Lopez, Maribel Verdú, and Ariadna Gil. In Spanish with English subtitles. Video prologue by Guillermo del Toro. Feature audio commentary by Guillermo del Toro. New Line Home Entertainment, 2006. DVD.

Enchanted. Directed by Kevin Lima. Performed by Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Timothy Spall, and Susan Sarandon. Walt Disney Pictures, 2007. DVD.


Victorian Fairy Painting. Royal Academy of Arts, London, 13 November 1997 – 8 February 1998. The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, 28 February-24 May 1998. The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 10 June-13 September 1998. Exhibition.

Fourth Göttingen Fairy-Tale Week. Göttingen, Germany, 25 July-2 August 1998. Exhibition

Corpus. By Ann Hamilton. Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA), North Adams, MA. 2003-2004. Exhibition.


The Arabian Nights: A Play. By Mary Zimmerman. Directed by John H.Y.Wat. Mid-Pacific Institute School of the Arts, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, May 2005. Performance.

Cinderella. Directed and choreographed by Matthew Bourne. Performed by Adventures in Motion Pictures. Ahmanson Theatre at the Music Center, Los Angeles, 28 March-23 May 1999. Performance.


Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana. John Shortess and Maida Owens. Louisiana Public Broadcasting. 1998. 12 July 2009. .

SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages. Heidi Anne Heiner. 15 June 2009. 12 July 2009. .

Reviewer's Name and Institution
The reviewer's name and institution should be set flush right, on separate lines double-spaced at the end of the review, and it should be italicized.

Punctuation, spelling, etc., will be edited to conform to the journal’s style.