MAPC; MAPC2014; Mid-America Print Council Conference | Wayne State University
The Mid-America Print Council Conference

The Mid-America Print Council Conference



  • The 2014 MAPC conference is for the professional benefit of its membership. Conference costs will be met through registration fees, the financial support of Wayne State University, regional and local supporters, and exhibiting vendors.
  • Selected chairpersons of panel presentations and/or demonstrations have the responsibility of informing all individuals that they’ve chosen for their session of the MAPC conference guidelines and policies.
  • Each participant may engage on ONE session. Each chair may participate in ONE session, in addition to the one that they are chairing.
  • Please Note: every conference participant must be a MAPC member AND registered for the conference. This includes all presenters.


  • This Call for Session Proposals includes an (extended) deadline of February 15, 2014 for the receipt of all proposals to be considered.
  • A list of press equipment available for demonstration use can be found here.
  • Proposals can ONLY be submitted via the Wayne State University Digital Commons portal: Submit Event.
  • It’s best to use your personal email address or one that will not change as you navigate your professional career.

  • All session proposal submissions will be adjudicated by peer review once the Call for Session Proposals is closed on (the extended deadline) February 15, 2014.
  • Notification will be given to all proposers by March 1, 2014.
  • Chairs of selected sessions should follow PRINT CITY: Detroit 2014 MAPC Conference Guidelines and Policies for Panel and Demo Chairs to further develop their sessions and to report to the Conference Chair or coordinator with the designated information at the designated times.

    Wayne State University has chosen to publish PRINT CITY: Detroit 2014 in Digital Commons for the benefit of those presenting and for the future reference of faculty, students, and artists. All submission, abstract, participant, and attached information should be maintained by the session chair and updated as necessary until the conference, as a whole, is digitally published. Publication will take place after the conclusion of the conference.

    Browse the contents of The Mid-America Print Council Conference:

    Print City Detroit 2014