"Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Publishing Educational Materials (Unit . . ." by Peter Berkery, Meredith Babb et al.


Many universities have formal programs addressing textbook affordability. These may include committees charged with investigating the current landscape and communicating with faculty to encourage affordable options; open textbook programs supported by the library, institution, or state; or a university-press program supporting faculty in the creation of affordable course readers. How do you identify opportunities to best offset student costs with quality affordable textbooks? Do you create resources devotedto a course at your institution, or should you aim for broader course adoption? What additional non-text components may be expected by users? How do you get faculty on board with creating and adopting alternative course materials? This unit will help youbuild a program that responds to these questions.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Content_5_Bibliography.docx (11 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Publishing Educational Materials (Unit 5), Bibliography

Content_5_Narrative.docx (23 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Publishing Educational Materials (Unit 5), Narrative

Content_5_Slides.pptx (3317 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Publishing Educational Materials (Unit 5), Slides
