"Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Instructor . . ." by Peter Berkery, Meredith Babb et al.


On the surface, launching a journal may appear to be one of the simplest, most straightforward means of starting a library publishing program, especially if a professor or group of students comes to you with a pre-formed idea. But even such service-oriented projects can be deceptively complex. Are the editor’s needs and expectations aligned with the your resources and capacity? What roles and skills do you need to successfully support a journal? How will you promote the journal to potential authors and readers? In this unit, you’ll learn the fundamentals of launching and maintaining a journal publishing program in a library, including common motivations, service models, policies, and marketing strategies that support successful journals.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Content_4_Bibliography.docx (11 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Bibliography

Content_4_Narrative.docx (20 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Narrative

Content_4_Slides.pptx (342 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Slides

Content_4_Supplement_Scenario_1.docx (11 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Supplement: Scenario - Starting A Journal

Content_4_Supplement_Scenario_2.docx (11 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Supplement: Scenario - Maintaining A Journal

Content_4_Supplement_Alignment_Rubric.docx (12 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Supplement: Publishing Alignment Rubric

Content_4_Supplement_Journal_Checklist.docx (16 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Supplement: Issues to Consider When Starting a Journal

Content_4_Supplement_Cost_Estimator_Filled.xls (31 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Content Module: Journal Publishing (Unit 4), Supplement: Journal Issue Cost Estimator
