"Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Instructor' . . ." by John W. Warren


This unit focuses on strategic planning methods and tools designed to increase impact. As we aim to maximize the impact and value of our publishing programs, portfolios, and individual products, whether through decision about content or the activities related to marketing and promotion, we must begin by understanding and articulating our organizational objectives. Library publishers may aspire to increase their impact on campus (among scholars, students, and administrators); among local or global publics; and upon specific fields and communities of practice. Extending impact begins with thoughtful and purposeful strategic planning: aligning goals with organizational objectives, articulating desired outcomes, and understanding internal and external constraints. In this unit, we will learn to craft strategic goals for publishing programs that align with library and campus strategic priorities and that help us extend our impact.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Impact_2_Bibliography.docx (11 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Bibliography

Impact_2_Narrative.docx (19 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Narrative

Impact_2_Slides.pptx (3030 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Slides

Impact_2_Supplement_Flow_Model.docx (104 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Supplement: Flow Model Diagram

Impact_2_Supplement_Goal_Matrix_Unfilled.xlsx (20 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Supplement: Goal Matrix (Unfilled)

Impact_2_Supplement_Goal_Matrix_Filled.xlsx (23 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Supplement: Goal Matrix (Filled)

Impact_2_Supplement_Project_Matrix_Unfilled.xlsx (20 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Supplement: Project Matrix (Unfilled)

Impact_2_Supplement_Project_Matrix_Filled.xlsx (22 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Strategic Planning (Unit 2), Supplement: Project Matrix (Filled)
