"Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Trends Affecting Scholarly Publishing (U . . ." by John W. Warren


This unit provides a brief introduction to the Impact module by situating library publishing in the context of key trends affecting scholarly publishing. We will review how changes in technology, consumer behavior, and higher education influence nonprofit and for-profit scholarly publishing, highlighting the changing role of libraries, the rise of online bookselling, the growth of Open Access (OA) publishing models, the expansion of self-publishing, changes in discovery, the ubiquity of social media, the impact of metadata, competition for reader attention, and the changing definitions of “publication” and “scholarship.” Participants will consider the implications of each trend for library publishing.

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Impact_1_Bibliography.docx (12 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Trends Affecting Scholarly Publishing (Unit 1), Bibliography

Impact_1_Narrative.docx (26 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Trends Affecting Scholarly Publishing (Unit 1), Narrative

Impact_1_Slides.pptx (18382 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Trends Affecting Scholarly Publishing (Unit 1), Slides

Impact_1_Supplement_SWOT_Matrix.docx (10 kB)
Library Publishing Curriculum Impact Module: Trends Affecting Scholarly Publishing (Unit 1), Supplement: SWOT Analysis Matrix
