Journal of Transportation Management
Volume 15, Issue 2 (2004)
Front Matter
Journal of Transportation Management Editors
From the Editor
Jerry W. Wilson
Technology based supply chain training: its use and effectiveness
Brian J. Gibson and Jonathan D. Whitaker
A comparison of implementation issues and strategies for radio frequency identification technologies between the U.S. military and private sector organizations
Kristine M. O'Brien and Stephen M. Swartz
The profit impact of a strategic approach to Web Enhanced Services (WES)—a study of the motor carrier industry
Gregory M. Kellar and John Xiaoqun Zhang
Meeting the challenge of supply chain integration: using six sigma for process improvement
Kathryn Dobie and Rhonda Hensley
The transportation and warehousing challenge for multinational corporations in China
Garland Chow and Charles Guowen Wang
Back Matter
Journal of Transportation Management Editors
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Journal of Transportation Management Editors