Human Biology: International Journal of Population Genetics and Anthropology | Vol 86 | Iss 3

Volume 86, Issue 3 (2014)

Table of Contents


Human Biology Editors



Population Genetic Structure of Traditional Populations in the Peruvian Central Andes and Implications for South American Population History
Graciela S. Cabana; Cecil M. Lewis, Jr.; Raúl Y. Tito; R. Alan Covey; Angela M. Cáceres; Augusto F. De La Cruz; Diana Durand; Genevieve Housman; Brannon I. Hulsey; Gian Carlo Iannacone; Paul W. López; Rolando Martínez; Ángel Medina; Olimpio Ortega Dávila; Karla Paloma Osorio Pinto; Susan I. Polo Santillán; Percy Rojas Domínguez; Meagan Rubel; Heather F. Smith; Silvia E. Smith; Verónica Rubín de Celis Massa; Beatriz Lizárraga; and Anne C. Stone


HLA Class II Alleles in the Otomi Population of the Mezquital Valley: A Genetic Approach to the History of Interethnic Migrations in the Mexican Central Plateau
Ana Itzel Juárez-Martín, Blanca Zoila González-Sobrino, Ángel Eduardo Camarena Olvera, and Ramcés Falfán-Valencia


A Homogenizing Process of Selection Has Maintained an “Ultra-Slow” Acetylation NAT2 Variant in Humans
Blandine Patillon, Pierre Luisi, Estella S. Poloni, Sotiria Boukouvala, Pierre Darlu, Emmanuelle Génin, and Audrey Sabbagh

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