Human Biology: International Journal of Population Genetics and Anthropology | Vol 85 | Iss 4

Volume 85, Issue 4 (2013)



Paternal Age and Genetic Load
Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending

Brief Communications


Reevaluating a Model of Gender-Biased Gene Flow among Sub-Saharan Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers
Paolo Anagnostou, Cinzia Battaggia, Marco Capocasa, Ilaria Boschi, Francesca Brisighelli, Chiara Batini, Gabriella Spedini, and Giovanni Destro-Bisol

Letters to the Editor


Spousal Choice by Height in an Urban Middle-Class Japanese Population
Keiko Uchida, Nobutake Matsuo, Naoki Hori, Tomonobu Hasegawa, and Takao Takahashi

Human Biology 85.4