Volume 81, Issue 1 (2009)
The Most Widely Publicized Gender Problem in Human Genetics
William D. Stansfield and Matthew A. Carlton
Medical Genetic Polymorphisms as Markers of Evolutionary Forces Within the Human Genome: Hypotheses Focusing on Natural Selection in the Basque Population
Frédéric Bauduer, Anna Degioanni, and Olivier Dutour
Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variation in the Boyko, Hutsul, and Lemko Populations of the Carpathian Highlands
Alexey G. Nikitin, Igor T. Kochkin, Cynthia M. June, and Catherin M. Willis
Incidence and Distribution of Native American mtDNA Haplogroups in Central Argentina
Angelina García and Darío A. Demarchi
Autosomal STR Analyses in Native Amazonian Tribes Suggest a Population Structure Driven by Isolation by Distance
Sidney E. B. Dos Santos, Elzemar M. Ribeiro-Rodrigues, Andrea K. C. Ribeiro-Dos-Santos, and Mara H. Hutz