Volume 79, Issue 2 (2007)
Genetic Benefits of Consanguinity Through Selection of Genotypes Protective Against Malaria
Srdjan Denic and Michael Gary Nicholls
Mitochondrial DNA and the Peopling of South America
Cecil M. Lewis Jr., Beatriz Lizarraga, Raul Y. Tito, and Paul W. Lopez
Genetic Determinants of Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in a Population from Rural Brazil
Gustavo Velasquez-Melendez, Flavia C. Parra, Andrea Gazzinelli, and Sarah Williams-Blangero
The Genes Influencing Adiponectin Levels Also Influence Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes
Anthony G. Comuzzie, M Elizabeth Tejero, Tohru Funahashi, and Lisa J. Martin
Admixture Estimates for Caracas, Venezuela, Based on Autosomal, Y-Chromosome, and mtDNA Markers
Helios Martinez, Alvaro Rodriguez-Larralde, Mary Helen Izaguirre, and Dinorah Castro De Guerra
Surnames in Texas: A Population Study Through Isonymy
A Rodriguez-Larralde, C Scapoli, E Mamolini, and I Barrai
Polymorphisms in North Indian and South Indian Populations
Pushplata Prasad and B K. Thelma
Human Sex Ratios and Sex Distribution in Sibships of Size 2
William D. Stansfield and Matthew A. Carlton