Human Biology: International Journal of Population Genetics and Anthropology | Vol 70 | Iss 4

Volume 70, Issue 4 (1998)



Clinal Variation in the Nuclear DNA of Europeans
Lounès Chikhi, Giovanni Destro-Bisol, Vincenzo Pascali, Vanessa Baravelli, Marina Dobosz, and Guido Barbujani


Two Ethnic-Specific Polymorphisms in the Human Beta Pseudogene of Hemoglobin
Fiorenza Pompei, Bianca Maria Ciminelli, and Guido Modiano


Immunoglobulin Allotypes (GM and KM) in Basques from Spain: Approach to the Origin of the Basque Population
Rosario Calderón, Concepcion Vidales, Jose A. Peña, Ana Perez-Miranda, and Jean-Michel Dugoujon


Genetic History of the Population of Sicily
O. Rickards, C. Martinez-Labarga, G. Scano, G.F. De Stefano, G. Biondi, M. Pacaci, and H. Walter


Study of 15 Protein Polymorphisms in a Sample of the Turkish Population
A. Brega, R. Scacchi, M. Cuccia, B. Kirdar, G. Peloso, and R.M. Corbo


Impact of Maternal Body Build Characteristics on Newborn Size in Two Different European Populations
Sylvia Kirchengast, Beda Hartmann, Karl W. Schweppe, and Peter Husslein

Brief Communications


HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 Alleles and Haplotypes in Two Brazilian Indian Tribes: Evidence of Conservative Evolution of HLA-DQ
V.S. Sotomaior, F.R. Faucz, C. Schafhauser, M. Janzen-Dück, A.B.W. Boldt, and M.L. Petzl-Erler


Evolution, Mutations, and Human Longevity: European Royal and Noble Families
Natalia S. Gavrilova, Leonid A. Gavrilov, Galiana N. Evdokushkina, Victoria G. Semyonova, Anna L. Gavrilova, Natalia N. Evdokushkina, Yulia E. Kushnareva, Vyacheslav N. Kroutko, and Alexander YU. Andreyev

Book Review


Book Review
Human Biology Editors