Volume 63, Issue 5 (1991)
Front Matter
Human Biology Editors
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Human Biology Editors
Polymorphisms at VNTR Loci Suggest Homogeneity of the White Population of Utah
Ranajit Chakraborty and Stephen P. Daiger
Genetic and Cultural Transmission in Sicily as Revealed by Names and Surnames
C R. Guglielmino, G Zei, and L L. Cavalli-Sforza
Effect of Changes in Population Size on Genetic Microdifferentiation
John H. Relethford
Geographic Distributions of Within-Population Variability in Blood Pressure
T M. Polland, G Brush, and G A. Harrison
Doubts about Isonymy
Alan R. Rogers
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency among the Navajo. I. Characterization of Phenotypes, Epidemiology, and Population Genetics
James F. Jones, Cheryl K. Ritenbaugh, M Anne Spence, and Anthony Hayward
Modeling the AIDS Epidemic in Mexico City
Isabel Romieu, Sonja Sandberg, Alejandro Mohar, and Tamara Awerbuch
Seasonality of Triplet Births in the United States
Allen D. Elster and Janet Bleyl
Brief Communication
Note on Estimates of the Inbreeding Coefficient through Study of Pedigrees and Isonymous Marriages
P H. Cabello and H Krieger
Book Review
Book Reviews
Human Biology Editors
Instructions for Contributors
Instructions for Contributors
Human Biology Editors