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Height, weight, and Total Body Water (TBW) were measured in 172 Black male adolescents between 10 and 18 years old. Regression analysis was used to predict TBW from height and weight separately and from both measurements combined. The resulting equations were compared with those of Mellits and Cheek which were generated from the data of White male adolescents. The results showed a significant difference between Blacks and Whites in the relationship of TBW to height, indicating that the Blacks have a smaller TBW (and therefore Lean Body Mass) per unit of height. No difference was observed between ethnic groups in the relationship of TBW to weight alone nor to weight and height combined. I conclude that the equations of Mellits and Cheek (1970) for predicting TBW in adolescent boys from weight and from weight and height combined can be applied to Blacks as well as to Whites without appreciable loss of predictive accuracy.
