Volume 52, Issue 3 (1980)
Front Matter
Human Biology Editors
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Human Biology Editors
Prediction of Total Body Water in Adolescent Males
James E. Schutte
Serum Immunoglobulin Levels in Iraqi Twins
Saad K. Al-Agidi
Somatic Comparisons at Age 9 Years for South Carolina White Girls and Girls of Other Ethnic Groups
Howard V. Meredith and John H. Spurgeon
Physical Development and Body Structure of Children with Congenital Heart Disease
G Angelov, S Tomova, and P Ninova
Hypertension in Punjabi Females: Comparison Between Migrants to London and Natives in India
Julian E. Keil, Reginald P. Britt, Martin C. Weinrich, Yvonne Hollis, and Barbara W. Keil
Podographical and Metrical Study for Pes Planus in a Northwestern Indian Population
Suneel R. Qamra, S D. Deodhar, and Indar Jit
Altitude, Ethnic and Sex Difference in Birth Weight and Length in Bolivia
Jere D. Hass, Edward A. Frongillo, Carol D. Stepick, John L. Beard, and Luis Hurtado
Population Regulation in an Island Community
Robert A. Halberstein
Serial Changes in Predicted Adult Statures for Individuals
Alex F. Roche and William Cameron Chumlea
Enamel Hypoplasias as Indicators of Stress in Three Prehistoric Populations from Illinois
Alan H. Goodman, George J. Armelagos, and Jerome C. Rose
The Aymara of Western Bolivia: V. Growth and Development in an Hypoxic Environmen
William H. Mueller, Federico Murillo, Herman Palamino, and Michael Badzioch
Growth of Children in Somalia
Pia Grassivaro Gallo and Marisa Franceschetti Mestriner
Growth and Nutrition of Manitoba Preschool Indian Children. III. Anthropometry
F J. Coodin, Louises A. Dilling, J C. Haworth, and Judith Ellestad-Sayed
Brief Communications
Errata for 50-3
Human Biology Editors
Book Notices
Human Biology Editors
Book Review
Book Reviews
Human Biology Editors
Instructions for Contributors
Instructions for Contributors
Human Biology Editors