"Editorial " by Drake Stutesman


Drake Stutesman


From the introduction: 'A key theme throughout Framework 63 1&2 (Spring & Fall 2022) is interconnection—as both a method and a perception. In the two dossiers, “Exquisite Historiography: Experimental and Collaborative Film Histories” and “The New American Cinema Group in Europe: The 1960s Grand Tour and Its Afterlife,” there is a sense of weaving and interconnecting, allowing for open spaces and an inventive, perhaps kaleidoscopic, perspective on the past, present, and future. This interconnection continues in the only entry that is not part of a dossier, Olivia Landry’s essay, “Exil and the Cinematic Mood of Racism.” With its analysis of Albanian Kosovar Visar Morina’s film Exil/Exile (DE/XK, 2020), Landry brings into focus the contemporary, constant, often indefinable interconnection of immigration, exile, acceptance, and rejection.'
