"The Struggle of Others . . ." by Bruno Cornellier

Cover Page Footnote

Earlier versions of this essay were presented at different venues, including the conference “Unsettlement and Decolonization: New Directions,” convened by Michael Griffiths (Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University) as well as the opening keynote of the international conference, “Indigeneity and French Canada,” convened by Bill Marshall (School of Advanced Studies, University of London). I wish to thank the organizers and many of the conference participants for very rich and productive conversations. I also wish to express my most sincere gratitude to David Churchill, Mishuana Goeman, rosalind hampton, Délice Mugabo, Chantal Nadeau, and David Palumbo-Liu, for their generous critical comments and conversations about earlier versions of this essay. I also wish to express my gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for the journal.
