Volume 37, Issue 3 (2015) Science/Animation
"As the joined yet distinct terms in our title indicate, this special issue seeks to foster dialogue across boundaries that often keep the fields, disciplines, and practices of science and animation separate. The walls that separate scholars from makers and theorists from practitioners, that divide work in fields such as film studies and science studies from each other, and that isolate the sciences from the humanities are not respected in the messiness of real life and actual work..."
From the editorial introduction by Olivia Banner and Kirsten Ostherr
Design in Motion: Introducing Science/Animation
Olivia Banner and Kirsten Ostherr
Bridging Science, Art, and the History of Visualization: A Dialogue between Scott Curtis and Robert Lue
Scott Curtis and Robert Lue
Animating, Entertaining, Educating: A Dialogue between Oliver Gaycken and Ariana Killoran
Oliver Gaycken and Ariana Killoran
Models of Code and the Digital Architecture of Time
Andrew R. Johnston
Book Review
Suffering without Meaning
Kyle Stevens
Discourse Editors