Digital Commons+ Great Lakes User Group
DC+GLUG 2016
When: July 29, 2016
Where: Drake Memorial Library, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, Brockport NY
Conference website: http://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/dcglug/
Sponsored by bepress
Please save the date for the Fifth Annual DC+GLUG meeting! Building on a long history of successful events hosted by IRs on the western Great Lakes, Brockport invites you to come east this year! We promise to have all you expect from the past – free registration, networking, best practices, new ideas and strategies for success – whatever your IR platform, in a new eastern venue with new colleagues to meet.
This year, the meeting will take place on Friday, July 29th, and will include a mix of presentations and workshops. If you have questions, please contact the co-chairs of DC+GLUG 2016, Kim Myers (kmyers@brockport.edu) or Joshua Neds-Fox (jnf@wayne.edu). Information about travel and lodging is forthcoming at the 2016 website. Hope to see you there!
DC+GLUG 2015
The 2015 Digital Commons+ Great Lakes User Group (DC+GLUG) Meeting, generously sponsored by bepress, took place noon to noon, July 30th and 31st, 2015 at Wayne State University's David G. Adamany Undergraduate Library in Detroit, Michigan. DC+GLUG is a free, two day opportunity for librarians and others involved with institutional repositories of all stripes to network, share ideas, learn from mistakes and celebrate successes.
Revisit the conference via the Twitter backchannel on Storify at https://storify.com/mpriehs/dcglug15
The full schedule is available at http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/dcglug/2015/.
2012, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI
2013, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL
2014, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN