Detroit Area Peace and Justice Groups | Peace and Justice Digital Resource Center | Wayne State University

The Detroit metropolitan area and Southeast Michigan are rich in the tradition of activism and civic engagement to promote peace, non-violence, human justice and equality. A number of vital groups operate in this region, and many of these groups are venerable in their length of service and continuity. The international community needs to be made aware of what a pacesetter Detroit is in the cause of peace and justice. Among the groups, many with national and international networks, to be featured are: The Gray Panthers of Michigan, which compiles an area wide peace and justice activities calendar; Peace Action of Michigan; the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; the Cranbrook Peace Foundation; the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights (MCHR); Bioneers of Michigan; Women's Action for New Directions (WAND). Other groups active in the area, such as Pointes for Peace and the Huntington Woods Peace Group and chapters of Amnesty International, Pax Christi and related organizations will be included and added as they become available.

Submissions from Citizens for Peace


Submissions from 2008


International Black Nobel Prize Winners


International Black Nobel Prize Winners


Ralph Bunche, Champion of Human Dignity and Peace, 1903-1971

Ralph Bunche, Champion of Human Dignity and Peace, 1903-1971


Cake Walk, John Green


Come and Join Us Brothers, John Green


Henry Ossian Flipper, John Green


International Black Nobel Prize Winners, John Green

Submissions from 1990


Nelson Mandela's Detroit Visit Commemorative Edition, John Green

Submissions from 1985


Negroes in Michigan History, John Green