Clinical Research in Practice: The Journal of Team Hippocrates | Vol 1 | Iss 1

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2015)

“I do solemnly swear by that which I hold most sacred... that I will share the knowledge and skills which I have received with my colleagues and with future generations of physicians...”

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Clinical Research in Practice: The Journal of Team Hippocrates, and what we on the editorial board hope will become the norm in medical education and clinical practice. By interacting with our journal, you have made the conscious decision to aid in promoting critical analysis during patient care experiences. Our hope is that with the skills and knowledge gained through this interaction, we can create a clinical environment that emphasizes critical inquiry and places it at the forefront of patient care.

Read further in the editorial introduction to this inaugural issue.

From the Editors


From the editors
Anthony M. Provenzano B.A. and John Dawdy B.Sc., MHS

Clinical Decision Reports


Transesophageal echocardiogram: Accurate enough to make definitive clinical decisions related to endocarditis
Brian Jackson, Paul Thomas, Tiffany Dehondt, Leanne Swiderski, Rachel Fuller, and Amal Raychouni

Meta-analysis Review



Clinical Research in Practice 1(1), January 2015


Faculty Editor
James P. Meza M.D., Ph.D
Senior Student Editor
Anthony M. Provenzano, B.A.
Senior Student Editor-Elect
John Dawdy, B.Sc., MHS