"Effective instructional strategies and technology use in blended learning: A case stu . . ." by Meina Zhu, Sarah Berri et al.

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This case study explored effective instructional strategies and technology use in blended learning (BL) in a graduate course in the USA. Varied forms of data were collected, including (1) semi-structured interviews with students, (2) mid-term and final course evaluations, (3) two rounds of online debates, (4) four weeks of online reflection journals, and (5) the instructor's reflections. Thematical analysis and descriptive statistics were conducted to analyze qualitative and quantitative data respectively. Multiple methods were employed to establish trustworthiness of the study. Effective and ineffective instructional strategies and technology uses were identified in BL. The findings indicated that students valued real-time interactions with peers and the instructor. However, inappropriate asynchronous discussions were considered less effective in BL. In addition, immediate feedback from peers and the instructor motivated learners and improved the quality of their work. Learning technologies played a critical role in BL, but the use of learning technologies should be simplified and streamlined. Technical support was essential to reduce learners' cognitive load.


Education | Educational Technology | Online and Distance Education


Used under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY 4.0, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), originally published at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10544-w.
