"Predicting The Organizational Response . . ." by Susan Penner and Maurice Penner


The control of risk behaviors to reduce morbidity and mortality is a leading concernin public health, as is the protection of the public from hazardous exposure to tobaccosmoke and fires caused by smoking. Measures to restrict tobacco use are increasinglypopular in society and in the workplace as a result. This paper discusses cultural,economic, legal, and ethical factors in the external environment and the organization'sinstitutional and technical environment to predict organizational responses toemployee tobacco use.

Opportunities flourish to test this environmental model, as organizations ban tobaccouse or institute policies such as discrimination in hiring, cessation programs,and differential health benefits. Organizational responses explained by this model arenot limited to the control of tobacco use, but encompass a range of employee risk andwellness behaviors, offering further areas (such as drug abuse) in which this modelmay be tested.

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