"Site-based decision-making: the perceptions of teachers and administrators in Oakland . . ." by Frederick J. Peters

Access Type

Open Access Dissertation

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name



Educational Administration

First Advisor

Dr, Roger DeMont


Site-based decision making is a joint planning and problem solving process that seeks to improve the quality of work and the delivery of education in the school. Site-based decision making is a process through which those individuals who are responsible for the implementation of a decision at the building level are actively and legitimately involved in making this decision. As such, it represents an approach to problems and issues. Specific programs and policies are the outcomes of the site-based decision making process. The process of site-based decision making permits and even encourages change. This research attempted to determine, the perceptions of teachers and administrators toward site-based decision making. A nonexperimental, descriptive research design was used to examine the perceptions of educators; including building principals, assistant principals, teachers, counselors, librarians, and other staff members who were certified teachers; in eight Oakland County school districts on shared decision making as a primary factor in restructuring in their schools. These educators completed an original survey that measured two independent subscales, knowledge of site-based management and authority, to determine perceptions of site-based management. In addition, a short demographic survey was included to provide a profile of the respondents. Educators in Oakland County Schools were positive in regards to their perceptions of their knowledge of and authority associated with site-based management. Building level administrators need to support the use of site-based management, allowing teachers and professional support staff to provide input into the decision making process. While all groups were positive about the use of site-based management, principals had the highest mean scores indicating a more positive perception of this component of restructuring. For restructuring efforts to be effective, all staff members must be included, with these staff members willing to accept both the responsibility and authority associated with decision making. Previous research has supported the need for principals and teachers to work together collaboratively to promote effective learning and teaching in their schools. Sharing decisions regarding curriculum and instruction can promote a team concept that could lead to better student outcomes and relations with parents and community members.
