"Reviews " by Marvels & Tales Editors


Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales. Edited by Marguerite Gordon.
Review by Jessica Tiffin.

The Robber with a Witch's Head: More Stories from the Great Treasury of Sicilian Folk and Fairy Tales Collected by Laura Gonzenbach. Edited and translated by Jack Zipes.
Review by Francesca Maria Corrao.

The Kalevala and the World's Traditional Epics. Studia Fennica Folkloristica. Edited by Lauri Honko.
Review by Galit Hasan-Rokem.

Animal Motifs in Asian Art: An Illustrated Guide to Their Meanings and Aesthetics. By Katherine M. Ball.
Review by Stephen Canham.

The Tale of Bluebeard in German Literature: From the Eighteenth Century to the Present. By Mererid Puw Davies.
Review by Shuli Barzilai.

Language and Gender in the Fairy Tale Tradition: A Linguistic Analysis of Old and New Story Telling. By Alessandra Levorato.
Review by Jeana Jorgensen.

A Companion to the Fairy Tale. Edited by Hilda Ellis Davidson and Anna Chaudhri.
Review by Elizabeth Wanning Harries.

The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia. Edited by Ulrich Marzolph and Richard van Leeuwen (with the collaboration of Hassan Wassouf).
Review by Thomas Geider.

Ideological Variations and Narrative Horizons: New Perspectives on the Arabian Nights. Special issue of Middle Eastern Literatures (incorporating Edebiyat). Edited by Wen-chin Ouyang.
Review by Bonnie D. Irwin.

Once Upon a Virus: AIDS Legends and Vernacular Risk Perception. By Diane E. Goldstein.
Review by Jennifer Orme.
