"Mapping the Guide: Using Concept Maps to Ease Resource Guide Design " by Zorian Sasyk and Rachael Clark

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Concept maps not only provide a more organized approach to resource guide creation; they also can result in more improved and effective guide design. As laid out in Novak and Canas (2006), concept maps provide opportunities for meaningful learning, “...the assimilation of new concepts and prepositions into existing concept and prepositional frameworks held by the learner”. The top-down, hierarchical structure of concept maps translates well into the tabular and boxed-based content structure of resource guide, allowing for the learning benefits inherent in concept maps to be passed on to a guide. A well-constructed guide based on concept maps will lead to an improved learning experience for users, especially in the context of class-based guides. Users will be able to start at a tab which should correspond to a general/basic term or idea in a particular subject in which they are familiar, and then explore first boxes and then sub-tabs on more and more specific topics, learning through context as they go along. The end result is a user who comes away from the guide having learning a bit more about a topic and who is able to easily tie that new information to preexisting knowledge.


Library and Information Science


This poster was presented at the Michigan Library Association annual conference 2013.

Mapping the Guide-Handout.pdf (279 kB)
Accompanying handout
