"Providing Mobile Librarian Service to a College of Nursing to Increase Interactions a . . ." by Nancy A. Wilmes

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A mobile librarian service to the Wayne State University College of Nursing was developed to provide in-person reference and research support. This service has been successfully used for eight semesters by College of Nursing faculty, graduate students, and some undergraduates for support of research and course work. This article will address the details and provide a description of the service.


Library and Information Science | Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


Author Posting. (c) Nancy A. Wilmes, 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nancy A. Wilmes, Copyright Holder, for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science & Technology Libraries, Volume 30 Issue 1, January 2011.


See also http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/libsp/15/ to download related poster session and additional files.
