"Discovering New Avenues of Promotion: Collaboration with the Division of Research " by Annette M. Healy

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


At research universities, the library plays a critical role in meeting the information needs of researchers. As libraries expand their electronic resources, researchers are less likely to visit the library and may be unaware of available services and resources. In addition, not all research team members are reached during traditional library orientation sessions. In this electronic age, finding opportunities to promote library resources to researchers is increasingly challenging.

At Wayne State University, collaboration between the University Libraries and the Division of Research has led to several new avenues for promoting library services and resources. The University Libraries have participated in Division of Research faculty development workshops, promoted library resources and services in Division of Research publications and created a new liaison area to foster this relationship. This paper will describe how this collaboration came about, identify different types of collaboration opportunities and discuss lessons learned.


Library and Information Science
