"Afterword: the emergent literature on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researc . . ." by Julie Thompson Klein

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The complexity of evaluating interdisciplinary (ID) and transdisciplinary (TD) research defies a single standard. Yet, common elements appear in the emergent literature. Five overriding themes stand out. (1) Quality is a relative concept, driven by variability of goals and criteria. (2) A coaching model of evaluation nurtures the research process. (3) Integration is central to the process. (4) Social and cognitive factors interact, requiring management of information and decisionmaking. (5) The need for change in peer review has led to a variety of strategies. ID and TD evaluation is a generative activity that entails acts of “capitalizing” and “harvesting” expertise while “calibrating” standards to produce new “cultures of evidence”.


Arts and Humanities


This article is the publisher's version, originally published by Beech Tree Publishing in Research Evaluation, Volume 15, No. 1, April 2006, pp. 75-80.

Online at: http://www.scipol.co.uk/rehome.html.
