"Harisu . . ." by Patty Jeehyn Ahn

Cover Page Footnote

I owe special thanks to Dong Hoon Kim and Hye Jean Chung, both of whom helped me tremendously with the translations needed to complete this essay. I am also grateful to Bliss Cua Lim for the many rich dialogues we had about this fascinating figure and for patiently seeing me through this piece. I also thank Heather Lukes, Molly McGarry, Alex Wescott, Genevieve Yue, Gloria Shin, Jeanne Vaccaro, and John Andrews for their many generative conversations; and Ellen Seiter, Aniko Imre, and Josh Kun for their feedback and encouragement. Finally, I am especially indebted to Karen Tongson for her unending support through this writing process.
