Digital Common+ Great Lakes User Group 2015
Type of Program
Bernath Auditorium, Undergraduate Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Start Date
31-7-2015 9:35 AM
End Date
31-7-2015 10:05 AM
Program Description
At Kent State, we work on Digital Commons all times of day so communication is important. We utilize many of bepress’s built-in features to facilitate this. Based on our conversations with other Digital Commons institutional repository managers, many of Digital Commons’ built-in features are not used or not used to their fullest potential. We are moving toward taking full advantage of built-in features in our workflow and hope to push beyond what is available and to suggest enhancements from bepress. We aim to use built-in features for training, internal communication within our team, external communication with authors and rights holders, and tracking.
We use the demo site to train students and to test new ideas before we give students access to the live site. We use administrator notes to track citation verification, metadata completion, copyright clearance, and document acquisition steps. Any administrator can quickly view the categorized notes and know who needs to follow-up on items before posting. Once the item is posted, we are able to view all the steps that were taken in the process.
We customize the email notification that is sent when an item is posted. Other options we are implementing or exploring include the use of Register Decision with customized email templates to request post-prints, to inform authors of posting, or to communicate with authors or copyright holders. Since we post content not submitted by the authors, email messages explain and promote Digital Commons while informing authors of the status of their works. Sending email from within Digital Commons keeps a record and allows us to track our communication.
In this presentation, we will describe the workflow used by our Digital Commons team and show examples of built-in features at work. We will also discuss our suggestions for future enhancements to Digital Commons.
Using Built-in Features
Bernath Auditorium, Undergraduate Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
At Kent State, we work on Digital Commons all times of day so communication is important. We utilize many of bepress’s built-in features to facilitate this. Based on our conversations with other Digital Commons institutional repository managers, many of Digital Commons’ built-in features are not used or not used to their fullest potential. We are moving toward taking full advantage of built-in features in our workflow and hope to push beyond what is available and to suggest enhancements from bepress. We aim to use built-in features for training, internal communication within our team, external communication with authors and rights holders, and tracking.
We use the demo site to train students and to test new ideas before we give students access to the live site. We use administrator notes to track citation verification, metadata completion, copyright clearance, and document acquisition steps. Any administrator can quickly view the categorized notes and know who needs to follow-up on items before posting. Once the item is posted, we are able to view all the steps that were taken in the process.
We customize the email notification that is sent when an item is posted. Other options we are implementing or exploring include the use of Register Decision with customized email templates to request post-prints, to inform authors of posting, or to communicate with authors or copyright holders. Since we post content not submitted by the authors, email messages explain and promote Digital Commons while informing authors of the status of their works. Sending email from within Digital Commons keeps a record and allows us to track our communication.
In this presentation, we will describe the workflow used by our Digital Commons team and show examples of built-in features at work. We will also discuss our suggestions for future enhancements to Digital Commons.