DigitalCommons@WayneState - Digital Commons+ Great Lakes User Group: How To, and How Not To Recover and Preserve Two Orphan Journals: A Case Study of the Journal of Communication Therapy and Insight and Hindsight

Digital Common+ Great Lakes User Group 2015

Type of Program



Bernath Auditorium, Undergraduate Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Start Date

30-7-2015 3:35 PM

End Date

30-7-2015 4:05 PM

Program Description

The OPUS repository at Governors State University, University Park IL was launched in May, 2014. The Repository replaces Dspace. Materials in the University Archives were reviewed for possible candidates for digitization and utilization of the Digital Commons Journal series structures for optimal showcasing of archived content of these defunct journals that originated at the University. Copies of the Journal of Communication Therapy, and Insight and Hindsight, journal were discovered in the University Archives, and identified for recovery of the publication's opus (filling in missing issues), digitization, and archival preservation. A collaborative effort with Texas State University library was implemented to recover the Journal of Communication Therapy, but the project has ground to a halt due to issues beyond control. In contrast, the Library is under discussion with the former editor of Insight and Hindsight, who promises to help recover missing issues and fully support digitization and preservation efforts. This case study will discuss the concept of "failing forward", and the impetus to leverage both successes and failures when growing an institutional repository and archive program.


Jul 30th, 3:35 PM Jul 30th, 4:05 PM

How To, and How Not To Recover and Preserve Two Orphan Journals: A Case Study of the Journal of Communication Therapy and Insight and Hindsight

Bernath Auditorium, Undergraduate Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

The OPUS repository at Governors State University, University Park IL was launched in May, 2014. The Repository replaces Dspace. Materials in the University Archives were reviewed for possible candidates for digitization and utilization of the Digital Commons Journal series structures for optimal showcasing of archived content of these defunct journals that originated at the University. Copies of the Journal of Communication Therapy, and Insight and Hindsight, journal were discovered in the University Archives, and identified for recovery of the publication's opus (filling in missing issues), digitization, and archival preservation. A collaborative effort with Texas State University library was implemented to recover the Journal of Communication Therapy, but the project has ground to a halt due to issues beyond control. In contrast, the Library is under discussion with the former editor of Insight and Hindsight, who promises to help recover missing issues and fully support digitization and preservation efforts. This case study will discuss the concept of "failing forward", and the impetus to leverage both successes and failures when growing an institutional repository and archive program.