"Concussion Management, Education, and Return-to-Play Policies in High Schools: A Surv . . ." by Amanda Esquivel, Sadiq Haque et al.

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Background: Concussions represent 8.9% to 13.2% of all high school athletic injuries. How these injuries are managed is currently unknown.

Hypothesis: There are differences in concussion management and awareness between boys football, boys ice hockey, and boys and girls soccer.

Study Design: Descriptive epidemiologic study.

Methods: High school athletic directors were contacted via email and asked to complete an online survey with four separate sections for athletic directors, head coaches, team physicians, or certified athletic trainers.

Results: According to coaches, concussion awareness education was provided for football (97%), hockey (65%), and boys and girls soccer (57% and 47%, respectively) (P < 0.01). Use of sideline screening tools was significantly greater for football (P = 0.03). All participants agreed that a player who has suffered a concussion cannot return to play the same day.

Conclusion: There is a difference in concussion management and awareness between the four sports. Concussion education is well promoted in football but should be expanded in soccer and hockey. Players are not allowed to return to play the same day, and the majority are referred to a physician.

Clinical Relevance: Study results highlight the differences in concussion education between sports. Healthcare providers should address these gaps.


Education | Kinesiology | Other Education | Sports Sciences


NOTICE IN COMPLIANCE WITH PUBLISHER POLICY: This is the author’s final manuscript version, post-peer-review, of a work accepted for publication in Sports Health. Changes result-ing from the publishing process may not be reflected in this document; changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. This version has been formatted for ar-chiving; a definitive version was subsequently published in Sports Health, 5(3): 258-262 (May/June 2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1941738113476850

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Author's unformatted final accepted manuscript
