"What Burning the Air Means for a Man Waiting Too Long All That Remains of Him Is Dust . . ." by Elias Udo-Ochi


Elias Udo-Ochi

Author Bio

Elias Udo-Ochiis Igbo-Nigerian & queer. He graduated from the University of Benin, majoring in English & Literature. He has poems forthcoming or already in several journals. A 2018 Wawa Book Review Young Literary Critic Fellow, his manuscript FLOWERBOYS was a finalist for the Kissing Dynamite 2021 Micro chapbook contest. He currently volunteers as an outreach worker for a Global Fund sponsored nonprofit invested in the sexual health of Key Populations. He is a member of The Deadliners, a collective of badass Nigerian Creatives. On Twitter, he tweets @eliasandrevn

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Poetry Commons
