"Chaos In Nine Parts " by Linda McCauley Freeman

Article Title

Chaos In Nine Parts

Author Bio

Linda McCauley Freeman is the author of the full-length poetry collection The Family Plot (Backroom Window Press, 2022) and has been widely published in international journals, including in a Chinese translation. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize 2022, she recently appeared in Delta Poetry Review, Poet Magazine, Amsterdam Quarterly, and won Grand Prize in StoriArts’ Maya Angelou poetry contest. She received a grant from Arts MidHudson and was seleted for Poets Respond to Art 2020, 2021, and 2022 shows. She has an MFA from Bennington College and is the former poet-in-residence of the Putnam Arts Council. She lives in the Hudson Velley, NY. www.LindaMcCauleyFreeman.com.

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