"The Picnic " by Alan Feldman

Article Title

The Picnic


Alan Feldman

Author Bio

Alan Feldman has published poetry in The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Poetry, The Nation, The Yale Review, Kenyon Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Best American Poetry (2002, 2011), over a six-decade-long career, and award-winning books beginning with The Happy Genius which won the 1978 George Elliston Book Award for the best poetry collection published by a small, independent press in the United States, and including A Sail to Great Island which won the 2004 Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry at the University of Wisconsin and Immortality which won the Massachusetts Book Award in 2016. His most recent collection is The Golden Coin, which won the Four Lakes Prize. He was chair of the English Department at Framingham State University, where he worked from 1972-2008, and he also taught the Advanced Creative Writing seminar at the Radcliffe Seminars, Harvard University, for twenty-two years. He lives in Framingham, MA, with his wife, the artist Nan Hass Feldman.

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