"Pandemic Storytelling from the Heart of the Bronx " by John Socas


This study describes how digital storytelling was used as a pedagogic tool during Covid-19 that greatly affected the lives of students at an urban community college. As a teaching and learning tool, digital storytelling was used to build agency, identity, and community as well as advanced communication and technological skills. This study examines the creation and compilation of multimodal digital video stories and highlights the reactions of students to the pandemic and provides an opportunity for them to share their stories with a larger community. The digital video stories demonstrate technology’s significant impact, as devices like smartphones allowed connectivity and democratized access to a wide range of pedagogical opportunities. The study elucidates the need for a revamped higher education curriculum that offers more programs that allow students of color to collaborate with teachers using digital storytelling for learning and development, to see themselves as active participants in their learning, and to make their voices heard.
