Most Recent Additions


Analysis of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Gene Expression Profiles in a Prospective, Community-based Cohort
Jan Dahrendorff, Agaz Wani, Thomas Keller, Don Armstrong, Annie Qu, Derek E. Wildman, Maria Carmen Valero, Karestan C. Koenen, Allison E. Aiello, and Monica Uddin


The Origin and Dispersal of Austroasiatic Languages from the Perspectives of Linguistics, Archeology and Genetics
Jian Yu, Xiaohua Deng, Zhiquan Fan, Wenjiao Yang, Zhi Ji, and Chuanchao Wang


Effects of chaplain care on coping with cancer
Sarah Battiston and Scott L. Baughan


The Effects of Curcumin on ERα, p53, and p21 in the MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line
Samantha E. Pfiffner, Mia Morse, Erin Hallman, Kaylin Whittaker, Aisha Zanib, and Sumi Dinda Ph.D.


Utility of the Severity-of-Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SCORTEN) in Pediatric Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Patients
Nina KB Gust, Rebecca M. Adams, Ashley Frei, Michelle Coughlin MD, Justin Klein MD, Elika Ridelman Ph.D, and Christina Shanti MD


RAPID (Reducing the Anxiety of Patients in Interventional and Diagnostic) Radiologic Procedures: A Review of the Literature
Unie Háng, Nathan Sim, Harika K. Bollineni, Arif Musa MD, Foaz Kayali MD, Roger Kakos MD, Monte Harvill MD, and Ali Harb MD


The Utility of Non-Specific ECG Findings in the Setting of Low High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Levels
Arqam Husain, Nathan Klausner, Emily Schwab, Joseph Miller, and Kaab Husain


Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Student-Run Free Clinic Services for an Underserved Urban Patient Population
Mina Sitto, Adlai Nelson, Sara L. Ma, Sara Kazyak, Nili Modi, Kathy Lu, Alexander Wind, Jennifer Schmidt, and Robert Sherwin


M4-Intern Mentorship Project
Christian Freitag, Sahar Elmenini, and Kyla Kosidowski


Are ChatGPT Responses to Urologic Health Inquiries Readable and Supported by American Urological Association Guidelines?
Chase Morrison, Jack Vercnocke MD, Isaiah Dennis, Michael Cher MD, Steven Lucas MD, John Cochrane MD, Aron Liaw MD, and Kevin Ginsburg MD


Anatomy and Physiology of Intraosseous Infusion
Andrew Mizerowski and James Paxton

*Updated as of 04/22/24.