Volume 20, Issue 1 (2012)
Letter from the Vice President for Research
Hilary Ratner
Uncovering physics' missing link
Editorial Staff
Targeting patterns of excessive alcohol use and life commitments in at-risk young adults
Editorial Staff
Improving methods for paramedics to stop prologed seizures
Editorial Staff
Treatment with light benefits Alzheimer's patients
Editorial Staff
Developing mathematical modeling of fatty liver predictors
Editorial Staff
New cement mixture takes a shot at market niche
Editorial Staff
Fostering science and research careers
Editorial Staff
Shopping for a cause: Why framing ads properly in Cause-Related Marketing campaigns is essential
Editorial Staff
Looking in to the kaleidoscope of Soviet court records
Editorial Staff
Preventing violence across the lifespan
Editorial Staff
Discovering how brain mechanisms for memory retrieval differ between children and adults
Editorial Staff
Preparing professional teaching artists in dance and theatre
Editorial Staff
Wayne State University Research 2012 Research and Technology Commercialization Annual Report
Division of Research and Technology Commercialization
New Science Volume 20
Division of Research

Editor and Writer
Julie O'Connor, Director of Research Communications
Contributing Editors
Michelle Moser, Assistant Director of Editorial Services, Marketing and Communications
Tom Tigani, Information Officer, Division of Research
Philip Van Hulle, Director of Communicastions, School of Medicine
Andrea Westfall, Public Affairs Specialist, Division of Research
Rick Bielaczyc, Photography, Marketing and Communications
Mary Jane Murawka, Photography, Marketing and Communications
Print - Mail Design
Allegra Marketing