High quality outdoor environments (OEs) are essential for young children's physical, emotional, and intellectual development. This study identified nine key attribute categories of high- and low-quality OEs using data from 41 focus groups comprising ECEC practitioners, policy and oversight professionals, parents, children, and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) specialists. The categories include Setting the Stage, Natural Elements, Equipment and Materials, Program Intent, Activities, Interactions, Safety and Maintenance, Professional Development, and Barriers to Implementation. Seven of these categories were identified in both high- and low-quality OEs, while Professional Development and Barriers to Implementation were associated with high- and low-quality, respectively. Four stakeholder groups prioritized the environment's setup, while EDI specialists equally emphasized natural elements and programming. These findings provide clear quality indicators for OEs in ECEC settings, which can guide research and policy to incorporate high-quality outdoor spaces into ECEC programs, recognizing the significance of outdoor environments for children's development.
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Burns, Samantha; Brathwaite, Leah; Hepditch, Anne; Turner, Stephanie; Carson, Beth; Bernard-Ward, Helen; and Perlman, Michal
"Understanding and Defining Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care Outdoor Environments: Comparing Stakeholder Perspectives,"
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: A Peer Relations Journal: Vol. 70:
1, Article 1.
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