Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Surrogate Fuels For Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (hvo): Development, Experimental Validation, And 3d-Cfd Simulation, Samy Alkhayat
Studies On Non-Transition Metal Substitution To Ab2 Metal Hydride Alloys For Battery Application, Shiuan Chang
Optical Diagnostics Of Hydrocarbon Fuel Autoignition Using The Corrected Filtered Natural Emission Of Species Technique, Maysam Molana
Designing Interfaces For All-Solid-State Batteries With Garnet-Type Solid Electrolytes, Sathish Rajendran
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Assessment Of Small-Scale Mechanical Damage On Safety Performance Of Lithium-Ion Batteries, Maher A. Almohammedali
Surface Roughness In Manufacturing Processes Of Advanced High Strength Steels, Ameer Al-Shawk
Modeling And Design Of Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters Using Distributed Transfer Function Method, Shahram Amoozegar
Investigation Of Dispersion Strengthened Cu-8cr-4nb (grcop-84) Alloy Using Additive Manufacturing, Ajay Sarma Bhagavatam
A Combined Additive - Deformation - Machining (adm) Manufacturing Process With Controlled Microstructures, Ahmed Nabil Taher Elalem
Laser-Assisted Sound Source Localization Inside A Solid Enclosure, Antonio Figueroa Mombela
Pouch-Type Linimncoo2 Battery Experiments And Simulation For Electrified Light-Duty Vehicles, Yiqun Liu
Determining The Characteristics Of The Excitation Forces Acting Inside Structures, Yazhong Lu
Species Concentration Measurements Using The Filtered Natural Emission Of Species, Joshua Piehl
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Study Of Viscous Drops’ Morphological And Dynamic Behavior In Simple Shear Flows: A Lattice Boltzmann Approach, Ameer Al-Hilo
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Advanced Electrodes And Electrolytes For Long-Lived And High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Deepesh Gopalakrishnan
Study Of Grain Growth In Single-Phase Polycrystals, Pawan Vedanti
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
2d Suspended Fet Technology: Overcoming Scattering Effect For Ultrasensitive Reliable Biosensor, Nirul Masurkar
Direct Laser Metal Deposition Of Nickel Based Superalloys, Abhishek Ramakrishnan-Sudha
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Experimental Validation Of An Integrated Guidance And Control System For Marine Surface Vessels, Anthony Composto
Surfactants, Thermal And Surface Energy Effects On Emulsions’ Transport Properties: A Study Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Wessam Falih Hasan
Study Of Probabilistic Characteristics Of Local Field Fluctuations In Isotropic Two Phase Composites: Conductivity Type Problems, David Ostberg
Ethanol Autoignition Modeling And Validation At Wide Ranges Of Mixture Temperatures, Pressures, And Equivalence Ratios, Antowan Zyada
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
An Effective Methodology For Suppressing Structure-Borne Sound Radiation, Lingguang Chen
Strain Rate Dependence And Impact Behavior Of Abs (acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) Amorphous Thermoplastic, Mehmet Akif Dundar
Study Of Periodical Flow Heat Transfer In An Internal Combustion Engine, Xi Luo
Flexural Creep Behavior Of Adhesively Bonded Metal And Composite Laminates, Hasan M. Nuwayer
Additive Manufacturing Of Al 4047 And Al 7050 Alloys Using Direct Laser Metal Deposition Process, Amrinder Singh
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Design And Optimization Of Lithium Ion Battery For High Temperature Applications, Khalid Abdullitife Ababtain
Electrocatalysis In Li-S Batteries, Hesham I. Al Salem
Static And Dynamic Behavior Of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum (carall) Laminates, Gurpinder Singh Dhaliwal
Development Of An Elderly Female Torso Finite Element Model For Restraint System Research And Development Applications, Anil Kalra Kalra
Combustion, Ionization And Sporadic Pre-Ignition In A Turbocharged Gasoline Direct Injection Engine., Shenouda Mekhael
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method Investigation On Fuel Tank Strap Simulation Under Proving Ground Condition, Guangtian Song
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Effect Of Impact Damage On Compression-Compression Fatigue Behavior Of Sandwich Composites, Ali M. Al-Sharif
Rheology Of Cross-Linked Polymers And Polymer Foams: Theory And Experimental Results, John Herman
Quantification Of Auto-Ignition In Diesel Engines, Umashankar M. Joshi
Face Sheet/core Debonding In Sandwich Composites Under Static And Fatigue Loading, Manjinder Singh Warriach
Edge Fracture Prediction Of Dual Phase Steels With Consideration Of Microstructures, Ming Wen
Specialized Inter-Particle Interaction Lbm For Patterned Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Amal Saeed Yagub
Helmholtz Equation Least Squares Based Near-Field Acoustic Holography With Laser, Wu Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Mechanics Of Momentum Transfer From Explosive Charges Buried In Water, In Sand, And In Sand With Fines, David M. Fox
Combustion Visualization And Particulate Matter Emission Of A Gdi Engine By Using Gasoline And E85, Po-I Lee
Non-Linear Robust Observers For Systems With Non-Collocated Sensors And Actuators, Constantine Mastory
Visualizing Interior And Exterior Jet Aircraft Noise, Manmohan Singh Moondra
Evaluation Of Nozzle Geometry On High Pressure Gasoline Direct Injection Spray Atomization, Mark Shost
Jp-8 Surrogates For Diesel Engine Application: Development, Validation, And Cfd Simulation, Amit Shrestha
Effect Of Cetane Number And Volatility On Autoignition And Combustion Of Alternative Fuels And Their Surrogates, Ziliang Zheng
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Impact Damage Analysis Of Balsa Wood Sandwich Composite Materials, Suof Abdalslam
Ionization In Diesel Combustion For On-Board Diagnostics And Engine Control, Tamer Hassan Badawy
Effect Of Intake Temperature And Boost Pressure On The Auto-Ignition Of Fuels With Different Cetane Numbers And Volatilities, Chandrasekharan Jayakumar
Induced Damping And Its Relationship To Beneficial Energy Harvesting In Dielectric Elastomers With Application To Walking, Heather L. Lai
Structure Borne Noise Analysis Using Helmholtz Equation Least Squares Based Forced Vibro Acoustic Components, Logesh Kumar Natarajan
Exergetic Analysis Of Hydrogen Combustion Involving Electronically Excited Species, Devon Alan Washington
Simulations And Experiments Of Fuel Injection, Mixing And Combustion In Di Gasoline Engines, Yi Zheng
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Investigation and improvment of noise, vibration and harshness(nvh) properties of automotive panels, Mohammad Al zubi
Optical investigation of ethanol and n-heptane dual-fuel partially premixed combution in s reciprocating engine, Radu Catalin Florea
Numerical simulation and experimentation of pulsatile flows in axisymmetric arterial models, Tadesse Gebreegziabher
Intricate dynamics and hydrodynamic frictional losses of the piston-ring assembly in internal combustion engines, Mohannad Hakeem
Spray characterization of flex-fuel gasoline di injectors and spray interaction with charge motion in a variable valve actuation engine, Atsushi Matsumoto
Multi-fuel operation of modern engines; on board fuel identification, Florin Mocanu
Linear and non-linear deformations of a wind turbine blade considering warping and all aeroelastic load couplings, Fouad Mohammad Mohammad
The Effect Of Biodiesel Blends On A Multi-Cylinder Engine And The Impact On Aftertreatment, Amy Peterson
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Reconstruction Resolution Of Coherent Point Sources With Helmholtz Equation Least Squares, Richard Edward Dziklinski
Ionization in diesel combustion: Mechanism, new instrumentation and engine applications, Fadi Estefanous
Analytical and experimental investigations of ships impact interaction with one-sided barrier, Ihab M. Grace
Opposing effects of recirculated gases during cranking on cold start of diesel engines, Rafik N. Rofail
The fourier spectral element method for vibration analysis of general dynamic structures, Xuefeng Zhang
Locating and extracting acoustic and neural signals, Na Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Augmented Reality Navigation Interfaces Improve Human Performance In End-Effector Controlled Telerobotics, Keshav Chintamani
Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann Method For Colloidal Suspensions Rheology And Interface Morphology, Hassan Farhat
Robust Observers And Controllers For Marine Surface Vessels Undergoing Maneuvering And Course-Keeping Tasks, Nassim Khaled
The Fourier Spectrum Element Method For Vibration And Power Flow Analysis Of Complex Dynamic Systems, Hongan Xu
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Computational analysis of brain injury, Aiman Sharef. Al-Bsharat
Flow characterization of centrifugal blower systems and development of new design features to improve its performance, Monier Bibawy. Botros
Diesel engine cold start combustion instability and control strategy, Zhiping Han
An analytical study of vibration and instability of automotive disc brakes, Bongsu Kang
Characterization of the mixed-mode fracture behavior of adhesively bonded metal joints for automotive vehicle structures, Zhengyu. Liu
Role of structural deformations of the crank-slider mechanism in the computation of the instantaneous frictional losses of a single cylinder engine, Hassan Kassem. Nehme
Direct numerical simulations of unstable detonations by the space-time conservation element and solution element method, Surg-Jue Park
Numerical simulation of cavitating flows by the space-time conservation element and solution element method, Jianrong Qin
Coupled vibration and stability of automotive serpentine belt drives, Chris H. Riedel
An experimental study of correlations between ionic current and operating parameters in SI engines, Dirk Schneider
An experimental study of high-pressure diesel spray characteristics, Tsung-Cheng Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Piston ring and cylinder bore friction simulation in mixed lubrication regime, Ozgen Akalin
Kinematics of human cadaver cervical spine during low speed rear-end impacts, Bing Deng
An experimental and numerical study of the spray transfer processes in an electrostaic rotating bell sprayer, Kyoung-Su Im
Low velocity impact and sound absorption of composite sandwiches, Jaesuk. Lee
Constitutive response and failure mechanisms of off-axis metal matrix composites, Ke Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Experimental study of biomechanical responses and injury mechanisms in lateral velocity pulse impacts, Jaekoo Chung
Diesel ignition model considering a global and multiple-step autoignition reactions, Yasuhiko. Itoh
The effects of vibration on dry friction, Kirstie. Plantenberg
Piston ring assembly friction : A Simplified Model, Richard Stanley
Dynamic analysis and active vibration control of axially moving materials by wave propagation method, Shenger Ying
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Response of the lower vertebral column to caudocephalad acceleration, A. Peter Vulcan