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American Indian health disparities have reached crisis levels, and there is a need to develop culturally congruent interventions through meaningful tribal involvement and ethical community-oriented approaches. Hence, it is imperative that researchers and university administrators better understand how research translation occurs for tribally driven health-equity research projects. Utilizing thematic analysis methods, the authors examined documents from a 12-year community-based participatory research partnership to elucidate factors that ignite momentum and support partnership longevity. The overarching finding was that trust and respect provide a foundation for momentum and longevity and are closely intertwined with other themes identified in analyses. Seven themes were extrapolated and classified into two domains: (1) investments, which are catalyzing factors that advance research, and (2) intermediate processes, which link investments to success. Investment themes include Indigenous scholar involvement, time and effort, establishing rapport, and clear and appropriate communication. Intermediate process themes include generative colearning, active participation, and recognition and celebration. Community-based participatory research principles were reflected in these findings. This study also upholds prior published work on Indigenous research methodologies, promotes the lived experiences of Indigenous people, and contributes to Indigenous theory building and science.
