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The effect of varying levels of exposure to chronic hypoxia on the stature, chest depth and forced vital capacity (FVC) of low-to-high altitude migrant children of European ancestry was examined. The results of these analyses confirm that growth and development at high altitude results in a moderate delay in the linear growth of well-nourished children and a significant increase in chest depth and FVC. The magnitude of the increase in FVC is closely associated with the extent of the expansion of the thorax.Birth and lifelong residence at altitude were estimated to have a maximum average negative effect on stature of 4.3 cm and maximum average positive effects on chest depth and FVC of 1.8 cm and 384 ml, respectively. Finally, the magnitude of the effect of hypoxia on the chest depths and FVC’s of migrants appears to be similar at all stages of development, which is not consistent with the hypothesis that highlanders exhibit an accelerated de­velopment of chest depth and FVC relative to stature during childhood and especially adolescence.
